The Community Resource Center is dependent on volunteer support in order to operate. Since we provide an array of assistance, we can put most talents and expertise to use. Please call us, email, or stop by to discuss volunteer opportunities.
All volunteers must sign our confidentiality agreement and agree to keep all client information private.
Office work: Volunteers in our office prepare mailings, make phone calls, and maintain our databases.
Food pantry: Volunteers in our food pantry attend to clients while they shop. In between clients, they tidy the pantry and restock the shelves.
Our board: The CRC’s Board oversees the programs, publicity, and finances of the CRC. Often working in committees, members of the board assess patterns of underserved needs, develop programs, and spearhead fundraising activities. The board meets monthly; board members serve a term of 3 years.
We are looking for the following special skills:
Events organizer and event assistants: We have two main events, a fund-raising Golf Outing in early June and a volunteer recognition banquet in early November. We need several volunteers for various jobs related to these events. Job duties include attending planning meetings, soliciting prizes, organizing activities, as well as working on the day of the events.
Grant writer: Assist the CRC in looking for grants that would assist us in providing programs needed in our community.Write grants that would bring assistance from other sources to Manchester.
Another place to check for volunteer opportunities is the Volunteer Center of United Way of Washtenaw County. Check their website for a variety of opportunities not only with the CRC, but around Washtenaw county.