At the CRC, one of the key parts to fulfilling our mission is to learn about charitable and public programs and then connect our community members up with those who can help. This includes playing host to a variety of programs in our conveniently-located Manchester offices.
We can work with you to determine the public and charitable programs available to you and your family. We can assist you as you apply for benefits, work to find employment, and generally try to improve your current situation and prepare for a better future. Because every situation is unique, we recommend meeting with us to discuss any programs in which you are interested.
CRC programs and services are designed to address people’s basic needs, like food, shelter, and physical and mental health. Programs and services include:
- Open Choice Food Pantry, offering in person shopping by appointment and by phone order with a scheduled pick-up time. Limited delivery options are also available to people with mobility or transportation issues.
- Emergency food for anyone in need.
- Weekend Kids Meals are meal kits which contain 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 snacks. Kits are distributed by the school social worker to students facing food insecurity over the weekend.
- Emergency funding for basic needs like housing, utilities, prescription copays and transportation to medical appointments or work.
- MI Bridges navigation assistance, linking people to Medicaid, food assistance and more.
- Information and referral to a variety of county-wide resources.
- Access to free tax preparation through VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance).
- Wooden Nickels that clients can spend at the local farmers market on fresh produce, eggs, herbs, honey and food producing plants.
- Manchester Chicken Broil meal voucher program.
Believe it or not, we do even more than is listed above!
To get help with any of the above or just discuss your situation in general, please call us 734-428-7722 to make an appointment with our director.